Friendship Baptist Church

Praising Our Lord in Spirit & Truth

 ABOUT US   |   What We Believe

What We Believe...

We believe in God, who has revealed Himself as the Father in Creation, the Son in Redemption and the Holy Spirit as our Comforter, Counselor and Guide. 

We believe in baptism by immersion into the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

 We believe that each church is a sovereign body directed by the Lord through His under shepherd, the pastor.

Therefore, no convention or association of churches can dictate to a Baptist Church, how that particular church should operate, nor what it should teach.

However, if those teachings are not in keeping with the beliefs of Baptists the church can be removed from the roster of that association of churches.

We believe God calls men to share His Word from the pulpit to encourage and inform of God’s people of His will for the individual church.

We believe Jesus was born of a virgin, taught, healed, and delivered those who came to Him for those purposes.

We also believe He died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins and that He lives within us when we are saved.

We believe He still heals those who are sick by the means that pleases Him.

We believe He rose on the third day, which is called the Lord’s Day to show us His victory over sin and Satan and the fact that He continues to give us victory.

We believe The Lord’s Supper is only for those who have been baptized and that baptism symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, while the Lord’s Supper through the bread and unfermented grape juice reminds us of the wounds on His body and the shedding of His blood for our sins.

We believe there are only two Scriptural offices in the church and the men who hold these offices are pastors and deacons.

We believe Jesus will save those who come unto Him and they will then receive eternal life.

We believe Jesus will return for us and take us home to Heaven to live with Him throughout eternity.

 The above are some of our foundational beliefs.

 I love you,

Rev. L.D. Lattany, Senior Pastor