Friendship Baptist Church

Praising Our Lord in Spirit & Truth




Christian men spreading the word of God through acts of good works,  by establishing an active program of witnessing; Contact: Thurman Walters - 423-741-3926

Bus Ministry

"Provides needed transportation for our church services and activities"​​​​ 



Carrie Moragne Circle

"Has a mission to study God's word and give a helping hand to those in need;
Contact: Nola Parks - 423-928-1933"​​​​​​​​​​​


Clerical Staff

"To provide support services that assist the congregation, Pastor, and other staff in achieving church approved goals"



"Chosen by the people of the church under the direction of the Holy Spirit to serve God by providing effective servant leadership" Contact: Deacon Daniel Parks"


Gracie Norris Circle

"Has a mission to enjoy fellowship with other Christian women and reach out to the community and abroad with God's Word and to study God's word for enrichment;"

Health Ministry

"Has a mission to serve God and his people by providing information and service to help our bodies remain his Holy Temple"


"Enhancing our Praise and worship Experience by motivating the congregation and glorifying God through music and Song"

Senior Ushers

First to be servants in the Lord's house, second to promote the divine worship of the Church and to render service unto others;

Mass Choir

"To enhance and uplift our worship experience through music and

songs of praise;"
Contact: Phedelma Hancock 423-676-1962

Sunday School Teachers

To get as many people as possible engaged in comprehensive and systematic Bible Study. Teaching with the hope and purpose that those who have not yet received Christ will, as their own readiness under the leadership of the Holy Spirit leads them


"To enhance and uplift the praise and worship experience to our Lord and Savior by providing reliable and consistent audio/visual presentations"


Junior Ushers

Following the example of the senoir ushers, the juniors ushers are serving and promoting worship of the Church;

Sunshine Band 

"Reaching our young Children and providing a bibilcal foundatin throuhg the teachings God's word and Song"